ICBA Education Seminars and Institutes

ICBA Education offers many events throughout the year that offer CPE credits. See below for upcoming events and program descriptions.

Compliance Hot Stuff

Mar 14, 2024 | lab
A moderated panel of federal regulators will answer audience questions regarding consumer protection rules and compliance. This session is an excellent opportunity to hear directly from the regulators on what they deem are hot topics, areas to focus on, and what to expect over the next year. Additionally, hear about the latest enforcement actions and the primary issues that the agencies are finding in compliance examinations.

Tier 1 banking technology in the hands of community banks

Mar 14, 2024 | lab
Community banks often cite costs, implementation hurdles and limited core offerings as the largest impediments to adopting new technologies. Today, they don’t have to break the bank to modernize efforts that dramatically increase customer-satisfaction and ramp up lending activities.

Opportunities for Increasing Profitability Using Tested Deposit & Funding Strategies

Mar 15, 2024 | lab
At IntraFi, we talk to banks daily about what their customers want, how the latest economic changes are impacting deposit costs and their bottom line, and tactics for building a resilient balance sheet.

Mutual & Thrift Roundtable

Mar 15, 2024 | roundtable
A roundtable discussion of the unique issues concerning mutual and thrift institutions, including regulations that recently became effective that could impact these institutions. Various corporate governance and depositor issues concerning mutual and thrift institutions will also be discussed.

Engage With the Experts: Banker Roundtable

Mar 15, 2024 | roundtable
Join fellow community bankers in roundtable discussions where you can ask questions and discuss topics that are important to you. Each table is moderated by industry experts and organized by bank asset size.

Making the Most of Your Membership – Q1 2024

Mar 19, 2024 | Events | Events
Want to meet ICBA? We want to meet you too! We encourage you and your colleagues to join us for an informative and interactive webinar. You’ll learn how to make the most of your new ICBA membership by taking full advantage of all the benefits ICBA has to offer.

Crucial E-Sign Compliance Considerations

Mar 20, 2024 | Webinar | Compliance | ICBA Education | Information Technology | Operations | Risk Management
The COVID-19 pandemic significantly altered the banking ecosystem to promote safer, virtual options for their employees and clients. To manage the impact of reduced in-person interactions, many financial institutions expanded their use of electronic communication with their clients. These electronic operations are subject to regulatory scrutiny under the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign Act). Discuss the specific requirements of the E-Sign Act, how to implement a compliant E-Sign program or identify gaps in your current program, and how to maintain compliance in an ever-changing environment.

CRA Education, Training, Support & Credit

Mar 21, 2024 | Webinar | ICBA CRA Solutions
CRA Partners offers CRA Education & Training, CRA Support Services, the CRA Collaborative Peer Group, and CRA compliance programs that create safe living environments for older Americans with help from local banks. This short, informative meeting will guide you through optimizing your CRA activities from start to finish.

Credit Risk Hot Topics

Mar 26, 2024 | Webinar | ICBA Education
Over the past two years, the banking industry has been beset with issues related to funding sources as well as growth and quality issues in our lending portfolio. As funding sources become more costly and harder to find, we need to understand how our decisions will impact our bank's assets. Dig into how funding sources influence our credit portfolio decisions, whether being asset sensitive or liability sensitive is the right direction, as well as what areas of lending will best suit your risk tolerance at this time. Plus, discuss how to reinforce your credit culture to maintain the credit risk level desired.

Is it Worth the Risk? Fundamentals of Payments Risk

Mar 27, 2024 | Webinar | ICBA Education
Unidentified risk is unmitigated risk. There are diverse risks embedded in your everyday payment channels and you must understand the types of risk your organization confronts to better protect your bank.

Identifying and Addressing Distressed Loans Seminar (formerly the Troubled Loans Seminar)

Mar 28, 2024 | Seminar - Livestream | Lending | Operations
Build a proactive mindset in identifying concerning trends that, if left unaddressed, could lead to a bank loss. A past due payment is not an early warning sign. It’s an indication that you have already missed the opportunity to assist your client.

Is Your Organization Prepared for a Breach?

Mar 28, 2024 | Webinar | Director | Executive C-Suite Training | ICBA Education | Information Technology | Risk Management
A breach is an organization’s worst nightmare, but should the worst come to pass, it’s not the end of the world. In fact, it’s time to respond. While your cybersecurity team is working to patch things up, the leadership team needs to stay informed. As a key part of your organization, what do you need to pay attention to during this time? What can you do to help prepare before a breach, and what can you do to help during or after one? Wolf & Company’s experts explain what you need to know about breaches, and how they can best be of service during or following an incident.

Now open to all ICBA member banks: Fraud Loss Protection

Mar 28, 2024 | Webinar | ICBA Payments
For the first time, ICBA Payments is offering ALL ICBA member banks access to our exclusive Fraud Loss Protection Plan (FLPP). You do not need to have a Debit or Credit issuing relationship with ICBA Payments to enroll.

How to Read a SOC Report

Apr 2, 2024 | Webinar | ICBA Education | Information Technology | Risk Management
Financial institutions rely heavily on third-party relationships to gain efficiency, reduce operational costs, and to meet the evolving technology needs of customers. While third-party relationships are often beneficial, there are risks created by the relationships that need to be identified, assessed, and managed. Discuss the fundamental elements of due diligence and ongoing monitoring based on the Interagency Guidance on Third-Party Relationships issued in June 2023. And learn the importance of SOC reports in achieving monitoring requirements and how to properly digest the information in these reports to avoid common issues identified during audits of third-party risk management programs.

ICBA ThinkTECH Connect

Apr 4, 2024 | Events | ICBA Webinar | ThinkTECH Accelerator
Join us for this fast, fun, informative session to explore fintech solutions for community banks like yours. Each Accelerator selection process we connect with several fintech companies that have great products and solutions but due to our highly competitive program only a limited number can participate.

Bank Director Forum Session 1 - Compliance and Risk

Apr 4, 2024 | Seminar - Livestream | Executive C-Suite Training | ICBA Education | Leadership Development
Offered quarterly in half-day sessions, each of the Bank Directors Forums will cover a unique topic, such as cybersecurity, enterprise risk management, corporate governance and more. No two sessions will be the same.

BSA/AML Officer of the Future

Apr 4, 2024 | Webinar | Compliance and BSA | ICBA Education
It’s 2024 and finally, the future we were promised is here. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) are operational and making the fight against financial crime easier and more effective. That is, if you have the requisite skills to take advantage. Otherwise, being a BSA Officer probably feels harder than ever to manage at its current pace of change.

Economic Insight Live

Apr 4, 2024 | Webinar | ICBA Securities
ICBA Securities’ exclusively endorsed broker-dealer Stifel is hosting a webinar this week with its quarterly economic update. Scheduled for 1 p.m. (Eastern time) this Thursday, April 4, the webinar will feature Stifel Chief Economist Lindsey Piegza.

Fraud Seminar

Apr 9, 2024 | Seminar - Livestream | Fraud | ICBA Education
Immerse yourself in a dynamic seminar with ICBA Education and fraud expert Barry Thompson, as well as a member of the secret service and a postal inspector! Experience the interactive format, receive expert guidance, and walk away with immediate, actionable knowledge and tools.

IRA Reporting Requirements

Apr 9, 2024 | Webinar | ICBA Education
Given the constantly evolving IRA reporting requirements, it is crucial for your financial organization to remain current on the latest mandates.