Development Planner

Help employees explore careers and position them for growth at your community bank with ICBA Education’s Professional Development Planner. Want more information? Read on and request a demo.

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The Professional Development Planner offers a detailed overview of more than 80 community bank job descriptions and assists employees in exploring and shaping their careers by outlining the experience, skills, and competencies needed to achieve their professional goals.

Accessible online, the Professional Development Planner allows users to research areas of interest, job functions, and associated levels of responsibility. Once a selection is made, the tool generates the qualifications, competencies, specialized knowledge, and on-the-job learning experience needed to qualify for a position. The tool further guides managers and staff by recommending specific training resources, providing clear direction on how to acquire the competencies required for each position.

Use the Professional Development Planner to:

  • Boost employee engagement and retention.

  • Identify skill gaps and development opportunities.

  • Motivate employees to pursue opportunities for career advancement.

  • Help define job descriptions for new and existing hires.

The Professional Development Planner includes:

  • Insight into common bank organizational structures, job descriptions, job titles, and associated qualifications.

  • Over 80 job descriptions covering 22 job functions at four levels:

    • Associate

    • Individual Contributor

    • Manager

    • Strategic Leader

  • The ability to create an unlimited number of training plans, providing professional development support to both staff and management.

  • An instructional manual to guide community bank employees, including best practices for success.

  • Identified training opportunities to help master the specialized knowledge and competencies required for the chosen profession.

  • On-the-job learning exercises for additional exposure and relevant experience.

  • Unlimited portal access allowing users to track their progress and document related notes.

Annual Subscription Price

Older Elder Business People Presentation

ICBA Member: $499

Non-Member: $2,499

Purchase Planner
Want more info?

If you're looking for more information about the Professional Development Planner and what it can do for your community bank, please feel free to reach out.

Request a Demo

Or call (866) 843-4222

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This professional development tool will be a valuable resource to all employees of community banks. Leadership/Management within each organization should consider this opportunity for each staff member who is interested in growing within their current role or within another area of the bank.

At this time, ICBA's Professional Development Planner is available exclusively to community banks. All other organizations, including bank holding companies are not eligible to subscribe to the planner.

Upon the purchase and payment of the Professional Development Planner, the bank will receive access to the system. Click the "Log In and Start Planning" button at the top of this screen. Bankers must log into the system using their account credentials. If you do not have an account and need to create one, or you have forgotten your password, click “Member Login" in the upper right corner of this screen and follow the instructions.

The Professional Development Planner is a subscription-based program that the bank will purchase for an annual fee. The annual fee allows an unlimited number of employees to access the system. Access to the training options recommended in the tool are not included with the cost of the annual fee for the Professional Development Planner. Additional registration fees and other costs may apply.

The Professional Development Planner can be purchased on the ICBA website by clicking on the Purchase Planner button found towards the top of this page or by clicking on this link and then logging in with your account credentials. You may also call the ICBA Education Department at 800-422-7285 to purchase. The Professional Development Planner is a subscription in which bank employees will have access to the system for one year. A renewal notice will be sent prior to the subscription expiration date.

Banks will want to ensure that their annual subscriptions are renewed each year so they do not lose the progress of each staff member's tracking of their growth and progress towards a determined job function and level.

The Professional Development Planner tool will allow community banks to improve the depth of knowledge and experience of their current staff, engage and retain staff for long-term growth while saving time, effort, and budget resources otherwise allocated to addressing higher turnover rates. The system meets the long-term goal to develop the talent of their next generation of experts, leaders, and executives. The tool will also aid in the development of functional departments, job descriptions, hiring, and review processes while providing examples of how to structure their organization.

Providing clear direction for a banker brings a driving purpose to their daily work life. Employees will gain the experience, skills, and competencies to help them achieve the next step in their chosen path.

With the guidance of a mentor, individual bankers will be able to use the tool to determine a career they would like to explore within their institution, select the precise area and level they will target for a specific job, and understand the necessary skills and competencies required to work towards that job. The tool will include options for training and on the job learning exercises to achieve each requirement, and the banker will be able to track their progression on their chosen path to completion. Access to the training options recommended in the tool are not included with the cost of the annual fee for the Professional Development Planner. Additional registration fees and other costs may apply.

A User Guide is included with a paid subscription. The User Guide covers all aspects of the system and how to best use it to optimize the bank's investment. The User Guide is provided in the welcome email that the bank’s Professional Development Planner admin will receive and is also found within the system once logged in. There will also be an instructional video found within the system which will demonstrate how to navigate the system.

Partnering with a mentor will help guide bankers through the process. Mentors can offer input into which training courses and on-the-job-learning exercises will be best for the banker and bank, and they can monitor progress, acting as an accountability partner and protecting the bank's investment.

A mentor will help a banker create a plan, and then follow up with the banker regarding the progress in completing the plan. The banker and mentor can decide who will keep the plan, and how frequently to meet for guidance and progress reports. The mentor may also help facilitate on-the-job-learning exercises, but the banker will complete all trainings independently.

These are activities that bankers can perform under the guidance of a mentor to gain exposure to practical, hands-on experience to prepare them for their selected role. Each job plan will offer an average of 6-8 on-the-job-learning exercises that are tailored specifically to the function and level selected. Across all departments and levels, the Professional Development Planner contains nearly 600 on-the-job-learning exercises.

The Professional Development Planner covers 22 different job functions, with 4 levels for each, for a total of 88 job descriptions.

Each competency recommended in a plan will come with a list of recommended training courses and events. Bankers will complete the training courses to become proficient in each competency included in their plan. 

Job descriptions can either be exported as a pdf or as a word document. Banks can adjust descriptions and essential responsibilities to best suit their bank. For bank positions that cover more than one function, each of the job descriptions can be exported and combined to completely customize a final job description for the position.

ICBA Education offers over 40 annual events, over 425 online courses and over 150 webinars to help bankers become proficient in the recommended competencies within the Professional Development Planner. Access to the training options recommended in the tool are not included with the cost of the annual fee for the Professional Development Planner. Additional registration fees and other costs may apply.

To evaluate these training options, review ICBA Education's [training menu](