ICBA called on the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network to modify its proposed form for collecting beneficial ownership information from reporting companies.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced an updated survey of credit card issuers designed to help consumers and families compare interest rates and other features when shopping for a new credit card.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued a final rule to make non-substantive corrections and updates to federal agency contact information in Regulations B, E, F, J, V, X, Z, and DD.
ICBA continues to distinguish community banks from larger and riskier financial institutions among policymakers and the news media in the wake of recent large bank failures, ICBA President and CEO Rebeca Romero Rainey said in a weekend alert to community bankers.
The FDIC announced a purchase-and-assumption agreement with Flagstar Bank of Hicksville, N.Y., for substantially all deposits and certain loan portfolios of Signature Bridge Bank.
The Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center’s latest weekly risk summary warns that community institutions should anticipate that cybercriminals will attempt to capitalize on uncertainty following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.
President Joe Biden called on Congress to authorize tougher penalties for senior bank executives whose mismanagement contributed to their institutions failing.
With the National Credit Union Administration meeting today on a rule to relax restrictions on issuing subordinated debt, a former NCUA official raised concerns in a recent blog post.
Amid a series of developments following the closure of Silicon Valley Bank on Friday, ICBA said it is ensuring the community banking voice is being heard while it reminded consumers they can bank with confidence at a community bank.