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ICBA: PPP report validates that community banks are superior alternative to nonbanks

Dec 5, 2022 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA said a congressional report on financial technology participants in the Paycheck Protection Program validates that community banks were the unequivocal leaders of the U.S. economic recovery during the pandemic.

Grassroots key as Senate cannabis banking debate ramps up

Dec 5, 2022 | NewsWatch Today
With the debate over ICBA-advocated cannabis banking legislation picking up as some policymakers express concerns and others confidence in the bill's passage, ICBA is urging community bankers to continue speaking out to their members of Congress.

ICBA, groups urge Congress to oppose SBA's proposed 7(a) changes

Dec 5, 2022 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA and other groups called on Congress to oppose Small Business Administration proposals to detrimentally reform its 7(a) lending program.

Community bank net income rises 13.5% in Q3

Dec 2, 2022 | NewsWatch Today
Community banks reported a 13.5% increase in net income during the third quarter from the previous quarter and a 3.9% increase from a year ago, according to the FDIC's latest Quarterly Banking Profile.

ICBA to regulators: Ensure CRA reform minimizes new burdens

Dec 2, 2022 | NewsWatch Today
With FDIC Acting Chairman Martin Gruenberg telling Congress this week that he expects regulators to release a final rule modernizing Community Reinvestment Act regulations during the early part of next year, ICBA reiterated its call for the federal banking agencies to issue a uniform rule that minimizes new data collection and reporting burdens for community banks.

Lawmakers urge FHFA to align capital standards with banking agencies

Dec 2, 2022 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA expressed support for a new bipartisan letter from members of Congress urging the Federal Housing Finance Agency to align its capital rules with those of federal banking regulators to avoid penalizing community banks for supporting local communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

OCC cuts 2023 assessments

Dec 2, 2022 | NewsWatch Today
The OCC published its assessment rates for the 2023 calendar year, reducing the rates in its general assessment fee schedule and maintaining its 2022 rates for the independent trust and independent credit card fee schedules.

Gruenberg: Expect CRA rule early part of next year

Dec 1, 2022 | NewsWatch Today
FDIC Acting Chairman Martin Gruenberg told lawmakers he anticipates regulators will release a final rule reforming Community Reinvestment Act regulations during the early part of next year.

ICBA urging grassroots outreach on cannabis banking bill

Nov 30, 2022 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA is calling on community bankers to urge their members of Congress to pass legislation before year-end that would establish a cannabis banking safe harbor in states where cannabis is legal.

Senate Finance chair questions crypto exchanges following FTX failure

Nov 30, 2022 | NewsWatch Today
Washington continued to escalate its response to instability in the crypto sector as the Senate Finance Committee’s chairman questioned leading crypto exchanges on their consumer protections.

ICBA to CFPB: Promote mortgage refinancing by reducing reg burdens

Nov 30, 2022 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA responded to a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau request for information on encouraging residential mortgage loan refinances by calling on the bureau to reduce unnecessary compliance burdens for community banks.

CFPB issues annual adjustment for file disclosure charges

Nov 28, 2022 | NewsWatch Today
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued a final rule with its annual adjustment to the maximum amount consumer reporting agencies may charge consumers for making a file disclosure to a consumer under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.