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FDIC promotes tips to prevent elder financial abuse

Sep 6, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
The latest FDIC Consumer News offers tips for spotting and preventing elder financial abuse. The publication encourages consumers to choose advisors carefully, be careful with powers of attorney, protect personal financial information, and more.

ICBA Foundation continues raising funds for Maui wildfire relief

Sep 5, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
The ICBA Foundation Disaster Relief Program continues requesting tax-deductible donations to assist community banks and employees affected by a recent series of deadly wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui.

Agencies address supervisory practices for institutions affected by Hurricane Idalia

Sep 5, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
Federal and state financial regulators issued a joint statement saying they recognize the serious impact of Hurricane Idalia on the customers and operations of many financial institutions and will provide appropriate regulatory assistance to affected institutions subject to their supervision.

ICBA continues advocacy push as Congress return

Sep 5, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
With Congress back in Washington from its August recess, ICBA continues encouraging community bankers to use its grassroots alerts and customizable resources on various pressing advocacy issues.

FDIC amends Equal Housing Lender posters

Sep 1, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
The FDIC said it recently amended details of its Equal Housing Lender posters, which FDIC-supervised institutions are required by the Fair Housing Act to maintain in branches.

Amid series of credit union acquisitions, ICBA continues pressing Congress to act

Sep 1, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
Following several credit union acquisitions of community banks this week, ICBA repeated its call for Congress to investigate these taxpayer-subsidized deals.

Senators urge CFPB to grant nationwide stay of 1071 rule

Sep 1, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) and seven other Senate Banking Committee members asked the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to issue a nationwide stay of its Section 1071 rule amid a pending court challenge.

ICBA Foundation continues raising funds for Maui wildfire relief

Sep 1, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
The ICBA Foundation Disaster Relief Program continues requesting tax-deductible donations to assist community banks and employees affected by a recent series of deadly wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui.

New ICBA podcast on budgeting for innovation

Sep 1, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
The latest episode of ICBA’s “Independent Banker” podcast spotlights how to budget for innovation and find the right fintech partners.

ICBA offers custom 1071 resources

Aug 30, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
With Congress returning to Washington next week, ICBA continues encouraging community bankers to use its customizable resources to educate and engage their customers on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Section 1071 rule.

CFPB reiterates plan to propose rules on data brokers

Aug 30, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau reiterated its plan to propose new rules to prevent the misuse and abuse of consumer information collected by credit reporting companies and other data brokers.

ICBA urges agencies to ensure access to automated real estate valuation models

Aug 23, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA called on federal regulators to avoid disincentivizing the use of automated valuation models, or AVMs, which mortgage lenders use to value real estate collateral.