Online Course Newsletter

ICBA Education offers a variety of online course options with courses that build knowledge and a strong foundation within key areas of the banking industry and professional development.

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June 2021 - Online Training Newsletter

Jul 1, 2021
Occasionally, we hear from bankers who tell us that a completed course is not moving from the Current Enrollments tab to the Completed Courses tab. To help you and your staff troubleshoot why this might be happening, we’ve compiled a system checklist and more.

May 2021 - Online Training Newsletter

May 25, 2021
Last month, we asked you to complete a short survey to help us better understand how your bank develops and implements staff training. We also wanted a clearer picture of the course structure that best helps you achieve your training goals.

April 2021 - Online Training Newsletter

Apr 28, 2021
To best support your employees’ learning and development we need your help! Please take this short survey and share how you prefer to assign training and what you think about some recent course modifications that we have made.
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