Compliance News

In today’s banking environment as soon as one big new regulation is implemented another pops up. Our compliance resources help your community bank stay one step ahead of the regulators.

Regulations and Guidance
Apr 12, 2021 | NewsWatch Today
FDIC seeks input on modernizing sign, ad rules

The FDIC said it is seeking input on potentially modernizing its sign and advertising requirements related to FDIC deposit insurance to better reflect how banks and consumers operate.

Apr 8, 2021 | NewsWatch Today
CFPB proposes delaying debt collection rules

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau proposed delaying the effective date of two recent debt collection rules to provide more time to comply.

Apr 6, 2021 | NewsWatch Today
CFPB proposes servicing changes to prevent foreclosures

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau proposed a set of rules changes to prevent foreclosures as emergency protections expire.

Apr 2, 2021 | NewsWatch Today
CFPB ‘warns’ mortgage servicers about foreclosure wave

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau “warned” mortgage servicers to take all necessary steps to prevent a wave of foreclosures this fall.

Apr 2, 2021 | NewsWatch Today
FinCEN begins implementing new reporting provisions

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network is seeking public comment by May 5 on implementing new beneficial ownership information requirements.

Apr 1, 2021 | NewsWatch Today
Agencies issue 2020 HMDA data

Regulators released 2020 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Loan Application Register data for approximately 4,400 HMDA filers. Annual loan-level LAR data for each HMDA filer are made available online by March 31.

Apr 1, 2021 | NewsWatch Today
CFPB rescinds policy statements granting temporary relief

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau rescinded seven policy statements issued last year that provided temporary flexibilities to financial institutions on mortgage lending, credit reporting, credit cards, and prepaid cards.

Apr 1, 2021 | NewsWatch Today
Fed adopts rule on supervisory guidance

The Federal Reserve Board adopted a final rule outlining and confirming the use of supervisory guidance for regulated institutions.

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Note: ICBA members can access an additional 2,500 compliance Q&As in ICBA's Compliance Vault