The Benefits of a .BANK Domain

The .BANK domain is a more secure web domain for community banks and their customers when compared to existing domain alternatives. It helps protect both bank and customer data.

.BANK Basics

.BANK is an evolution in relationship management, offering a trusted, verified, more secure, and easily identifiable location on the internet for your customers and your bank, regardless of size. .BANK provides a trustworthy stamp of approval for your online offerings.

Manage or Register Your .BANK Domain

  • EnCirca Website:

    Formed in 2001, EnCirca is an ICANN-Accredited registrar and registry validation provider based in Boston.  EnCirca is the leading domain name registrar for .BANK domain names. EnCirca specializes in complex and custom registrar solutions for the domain name industry. Contact sales@encirca.com to request a consultation.

  • fTLD Website

    fTLD was granted the right to operate .BANK on September 25, 2014, and .INSURANCE on February 19, 2015, and launched the TLDs in 2015 and 2016 respectively. fTLD works diligently to enhance trust and security for .BANK and .INSURANCE on an ongoing basis. All applicants undergo a thorough verification process before being awarded a domain and must comply with strict registry policies ensuring ongoing compliance with the fTLD security requirements.

What Makes .BANK Safer?

Through verification and mandatory security requirements the .BANK domain creates a safer space and acts as a visual security cue for bank employees or customers.

Security Features of .BANK

The .BANK at the end of an email address or website URL confirms that the email communication is authentic and that the website is owned by a bank and is a safe place to manage his or her finances. This simple visual cue enables security that employees and customers can recognize and participate in, ensuring the space remains safe for everyone.

.BANK domains have 6 critical security requirements beyond a standard .COM domain creating additional layers of protection to the consumer, plus verification, which when combined with email authentication, creates security that cannot be replicated in the .COM space.