
The risk of breaches, ransomware and other cyber threats and events continue to grow, but through preparation and training your bank can mitigate the disruption and minimize the impact. Properly managed communications, during an incident, play a key role in minimizing damage to reputation and operations.

Effective incident response involves the processes of preparation, detection, analysis, containment, eradication, recovery, and post-incident activities. Planned and managed communications are integral to each of those phases.

Ransomware and Breach Customer Communications

Cyber incident response communication plans allow for the rapid notification of internal and external stakeholders, coordination of the response message, and the minimization and mitigation of reputational and operational risk.

Debit and Credit Card Customer Communications

To more effectively combat a public relations crisis with a breach of card security, ICBA and Visa have teamed up to bring a special communications toolkit to community banks. This comprehensive communications guide gives community banks the means of communicating with card customers and the media within a short time span of a card data breach incident.

The documents below fall into three categories:

Alert Alerting your customers to a potential security issue with their card
Reissue Providing your customers with an alert and reissue notification of their card
Delivery Providing an alert and delivery notification along with a customer’s new card