Celebrating Community Banking Month

April is Community Banking Month—a celebration of the independent spirit and unwavering commitment of community banks to help consumers and small businesses achieve their financial goals to create communities of prosperity nationwide.

Community Banking Wordmark


ICBA member banks can access a full suite of Community Banking Month materials designed to help you tell your bank’s unique story!

Some ways your bank can use the Bank Locally design:

Bank Locally Shirt Mockup

Put it on a t-shirt or coffee mug for your staff.

Bank Locally Sticker Mockup

Use it as a badge or sticker for your window or door.

Social Media Badge Mockup

Use it in on your social media posts or in your email signature.

Cookie Sticker Mockup

Place it on sweet treats (sheet cakes/sugar cookies) for customers and employees.


ICBA wants to help you tell your community bank story! Tag us in your social media posts by using the hashtag #BankLocally or #CommunityBankingMonth as you share the great work you are doing in your community to highlight what makes community baking special.

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“As community bankers, we know relationships matter. Our actions in support of local schools, nonprofits, businesses and other community institutions make a difference, and when our customers see our commitment to our communities, it deepens their connection with us.

These are the stories worth telling, the ones that show our commitment to our communities and the people in them, and they extend far beyond the banking relationship.”

- Rebeca Romero Rainey, ICBA President and CEO

Community Workers


Throughout the month of April, we’ll be collecting nominations for the ICBA Community Bank Service Awards. Winners will be recognized in the September issue of Independent Banker magazine and across ICBA channels.

About the Awards


During this month ICBA encourages community banks to share their unique stories as relationship lenders—helping small businesses grow and consumers finance major purchases—to promote the local impact of their bank.

Here are some extra resources to help you tell the community banking story:

Find a Community Bank

Our bank locator makes it easy to find a community bank in your community—one that will be with you every step of your financial journey, in-person, online and beyond.

Find a Bank

Bank Locally

Community banks support small businesses and are well-established small businesses too. When things get tough, community banks don't leave their community behind - they step up.

Learn to Bank Locally

Main Street Matters

Find out what's happening in communities across America, from grassroots advocacy efforts, to fintech innovations and everyday successes of Main Street banks with this blog.

Catch up Now