ACE Tool

ICBA Payments' Automated Card Expert (ACE) gives you the tools you need to run comprehensive financial analyses of your community bank’s credit card portfolio. Want informed guidance? Schedule a consultation with one of our credit experts now.

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ACE Tool

ICBA Bancard's Automated Card Expert (ACE) gives you the tools you need to run comprehensive financial analyses of your community bank’s credit card portfolio. Want informed guidance? Schedule a consultation with one of our credit experts now.

Getting Started With ACE

Secure, accurate, and free to all ICBA Payments participants, ACE provides instant data on all of your credit card plans so you can track key activity, thereby improving the profitability and health of your entire program.

ACE is a one-of-a-kind tool to help you analyze, compare, simulate and market your credit card portfolio. The Step-by-Step section of ACE is designed for your bank to view key metrics that are important to the health of your portfolio and includes several columns of valuable information such as “Peer Averages,” giving you customizable peer bank data or a default selection of other banks with account totals similar to yours.

The Step-by-Step section of ACE is designed for your bank to view key metrics that are important to the health of your portfolio and includes several columns of valuable information such as “Peer Averages,” giving you customizable peer bank data or a default selection of other banks with account totals similar to yours.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The Automated Card Expert is a portfolio assessment tool developed by ICBA Payments exclusively for our participating banks. It analyzes your bank numbers (Account Growth, Penetration and Activity; Credit Lines, Outstandings, Volume, and Usage; Receivable Aging; and Revenue, Expenses and Profitability) using spreadsheets and graphs. It also allows you to research proven growth strategies and tactics (Acquisition/Penetration, Activation, Usage and Retention) from VISA, MasterCard and other community banks to keep your portfolio moving in the right direction.


Yes. Each user at your bank can have their own user name and password, so you can view the information and reports that are important to you. To obtain a username and password, visit ICBA Payments' contact form.

Yes. Each user at your bank can have their own user name and password, so you can view the information and reports that are important to you. To obtain a username and password, visit

Yes. Each user at your bank can have their own user name and password, so you can view the information and reports that are important to you. To obtain a username and password, visit

Yes. Each user at your bank can have their own user name and password, so you can view the information and reports that are important to you. To obtain a username and password, visit

No. ICBA Payments has designed ACE exclusively for our participating banks as an added benefit at no cost.

The session length for the Automated Card Expert is 30 minutes. This means that if you happen to leave your computer or are not actively using the ACE tool for this amount of time, then you will be prompted to enter your User Name again. This is an additional safety feature included with the tool to deter unauthorized users. If you are actively using the ACE tool, then there is no limit on your time.

The reason we chose to add a Top Peer Performers column to the ACE tool was to provide our banks with a guide that can be used to set performance goals. Now your bank has an idea of the performance levels of your top peer banks.

Please email us at and we will assist you with any questions you may have.

ACE will remember any information you have entered and submitted. Upon logging on next time, you will simply need to navigate to where your previous session ended and pick-up where you left off.

After you receive the first hard copy of your Executive Report and Integrated Billing Statement, your bank’s information will be available on ACE. Some reports that rely on historical data will take a year for users to be able to perform comparisons.

The peer average is calculated from ICBA Payments banks with similar card account sizes.

Ranges include:

  • 0 - 250 accounts
  • 251 - 500 accounts
  • 501 - 1,000 accounts
  • 1,001 - 2,000 accounts
  • 2,001 - 3,000 accounts
  • 3,001- 5,000 accounts
  • 5,001 - 10,000 accounts
  • 10,001 - 15,000 accounts
  • 15,001 - 20,000 accounts
  • more than 20,000 accounts

The data from your monthly FIS Executive Report and SAP Billing Statement is transmitted over the Internet and automatically uploaded to ACE on approximately the 20th day of every month. If you have requested FIS to include only consolidated numbers from all of your card BINS in the Executive Report and SAP Billing Statement, then you will only be able to analyze your program on a consolidated basis using ACE. If they detail each card plan your bank has, then ACE will be able to analyze each card plan individually or consolidated.

All information transmitted over the Internet through ACE is encrypted for your protection using Secure Socket Layers (SSL). Encryption is a means of scrambling information for transmission. Information is encrypted at one end and decrypted upon receipt on the other end. ACE utilizes 128-bit encryption.

In addition, in order to ensure that representatives from your bank are the only ones that have access to your bank's numbers, we have included this in the password-protected part of our web site. No cardholder data is included in ACE.

The averages are automatically calculated each month based on the actual data of ICBA Payments client banks. Classic and Standard results are combined; Platinum and Gold are combined into Premium.

The expenses entered by your bank are allocated equally by the number of card plans in your portfolio, except for the cost of funds figure. The Cost of Funds is calculated directly by the outstandings for each specific plan.

The Cost of Funds are entered on the Bank Input page as a percentage. That percentage is then divided by 12 and multiplied by the outstandings to show an annualized amount. The actual formula is as follows:

(Cost of Funds % / 12) x Outstandings = Annualized Cost of Funds in $

The data in the reports are rounded up slightly so that they fit within the report tables. If they were not, the table would be crowded with data and hard to comprehend. The data in the graphs are not rounded because they are represented graphically and have no size limitations.

We calculate the Net Income per Accounts for the most recent 12 months and then make a subset of the top performers in this group. The performers are then ranked from highest to lowest and the top 10% are included in the Top Peer group. This group's performance numbers are then combined and averaged to generate the Top Peer Performers values. This group is recalculated and updated twice a year in order to have consistently better than average figures.

Yes, all reports and graphs can be printed using either a color or b/w printer. We recommend printing the monthly history report landscape on 8-1/2 x 14” paper.

If you do not have an Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer, then click HERE to download a FREE copy! Otherwise, simply click on the link and give your computer a minute to download the file. Some files are larger than others and make take longer to download. All files are printable on a b/w or color printer.