With rule changes and staff turnover, it can be difficult to fulfill community reinvestment goals and obligations, track them, and clearly communicate value to examiners. We’ll show you how.

We provide in-person and virtual training for CRA staff, bank employees, and Board of Directors on:

  • Community Development activities – what qualifies

  • Small business/small farm reporting

  • HMDA reporting

  • Consumer loan reporting

And we’ll help you create customized:

  • CRA Checklists

  • CRA Scorecards

  • CRA Policies

Our industry experts offer regularly scheduled webinars on topics like:

  • Final CRA Rules for:

    • Small Banks

    • Intermediate Banks

    • Large Banks

    • Bank Directors

  • Community Development Loans

  • CRA Strategy

  • CRA Self-Assessment

  • Increasing CRA Performance

Compliance & CRA Events

Oct 6, 2024 | Institute - Live

Compliance Institute

Nov 5, 2024 | Institute - Live

BSA/AML Institute

Dec 5, 2024 | Webinar

Q4: Regulatory Compliance Updates

Contact us for customizable solutions tailored specifically for your bank