Compliance News

In today’s banking environment as soon as one big new regulation is implemented another pops up. Our compliance resources help your community bank stay one step ahead of the regulators.

Regulations and Guidance
Sep 6, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
FDIC launching new site for consumer compliance, CRA exam activities

The FDIC said it will launch a new Banker Engagement Site through FDICconnect this month for examination-related activities.

Sep 6, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
New tool ensures advertising regulatory compliance

The Check Your Ad Program, a new tool from Community Banker University, takes the guesswork out of advertising regulatory compliance.

Sep 6, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA conducting Marketing and Communications Toolkit survey

ICBA is conducting a survey to learn how member community bankers use its "Tell Your Story" Marketing and Communications Toolkit to help elevate and distinguish community banking in the hearts and minds of the public.

Sep 1, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
FDIC amends Equal Housing Lender posters

The FDIC said it recently amended details of its Equal Housing Lender posters, which FDIC-supervised institutions are required by the Fair Housing Act to maintain in branches.

Sep 1, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
Senators urge CFPB to grant nationwide stay of 1071 rule

Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) and seven other Senate Banking Committee members asked the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to issue a nationwide stay of its Section 1071 rule amid a pending court challenge.

Aug 30, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA offers custom 1071 resources

With Congress returning to Washington next week, ICBA continues encouraging community bankers to use its customizable resources to educate and engage their customers on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Section 1071 rule.

Aug 30, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
CFPB reiterates plan to propose rules on data brokers

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau reiterated its plan to propose new rules to prevent the misuse and abuse of consumer information collected by credit reporting companies and other data brokers.

Aug 23, 2023 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA urges agencies to ensure access to automated real estate valuation models

ICBA called on federal regulators to avoid disincentivizing the use of automated valuation models, or AVMs, which mortgage lenders use to value real estate collateral.

Do you have further compliance questions?

Note: ICBA members can access an additional 2,500 compliance Q&As in ICBA's Compliance Vault