Marty Mosby

Co-Founder & CEO

ERMA Strategies, LLC

Recently, Marty has been developing a banking strategic analysis approach that can enable U.S. Community Banks to apply advanced profitability, balance sheet positioning, and risk management techniques to maximize their potential while minimizing their underlying risk position.

Prior to this venture Marty lead a U.S. Large Cap banking research team for a decade. He has utilized his past experience of managing a regional bank for two decades to cover 20 of the Largest U.S. Banks and to develop the modeling applied to community banks today.

Prior to publishing research on U.S. banks, Marty had been an executive manager at First Horizon National Corporation where over his 22 year career he had served as Chief Financial Officer, Head of Investor Relations and Strategic Planning, ALCO Chairperson and Chief Economist.

As CFO, Marty guided First Horizon through four years of Sarbanes-Oxley and directed the Treasury, Tax, Controller, M&A, Strategic Planning, and Investor Relations Departments. This has helped him gain a strong understanding of the banking industry which he has used to develop differentiated bank analysis.

He was ranked first by Integrity Research and Investors’ performance, won Bank Analyst Annual Best Investor Relations at a Mid-Cap Bank award twice, and recognized by Investor Relations Magazine for one of the best Roadshows of any mid-sized company. Marty graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1988 with the degree of Masters of Arts in Economics and from the University of Memphis with the degree of Bachelor of Arts with Honors in Economics in 1986.